
Friday, December 11, 2020

Hassan Diab: Lebanon's caretaker Prime Minister indicted over Beirut blast - CNN

Lebanese judges have ignored the seaport authority's request to remove the explosive material at the seaport for 7 years. They are now indicting a scapegoat for that crime, Diab who's been a prime minister for 1 year, and who unlike his predecessor, did take action 15 days before the explosion.

Hassan Diab: Lebanon's caretaker Prime Minister indicted over Beirut blast - CNN

Lebanon president: 17 files on corruption referred to judiciary – Middle East Monitor

Lebanon president: 17 files on corruption referred to judiciary – Middle East Monitor

Les routes menant au domicile de Riad Salamé bloquées


Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Damascus holds Russia-backed conference on refugee returns - France 24

Damascus holds Russia-backed conference on refugee returns - France 24

Syria accepted Lebanon's proposal to return Syrian refugees to secured areas on Syria. This was achieved under Russian patronage. Could it be, that when Saudi Arabia messed with us like chess pawns, Syria and Lebanon come up with a civilized solution to undo the Saudi mess?

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Where Women Reign: An Intimate Look Inside a Rare Kingdom

Perhaps a modern version of this matriarchal society would be maternal colonies, where women own the residences, design the workplace, and make sure it all fits with having kids. 

Where Women Reign: An Intimate Look Inside a Rare Kingdom

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Egypt Sentences Women to 2 Years in Prison for TikTok Videos - The New York Times

The useless male leaders of Egypt are oppressing women and robbing them of freedom of expression:

Egypt Sentences Women to 2 Years in Prison for TikTok Videos - The New York Times

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Watch - Discover

Watch - Discover

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Photographic Proof of Remineralized Cavities - Healthy Home Economist

In Lebanon and elsewhere, if we want to not depend as much on processed and imported products, we need solutions like this:

Photographic Proof of Remineralized Cavities - Healthy Home Economist

Friday, August 21, 2020

Dixon Chibanda: Why I train grandmothers to treat depression | TED Talk

This Zimbabwe psychiatrist outsourced depression therapy to grandmothers, what if we outsourced community support to grandmothers in Lebanon?

Dixon Chibanda: Why I train grandmothers to treat depression | TED Talk

Friday, August 14, 2020

WCK Activates in Beirut, Lebanon — World Central Kitchen

WCK Activates in Beirut, Lebanon — World Central Kitchen

The what now?! Lebanon - The Supreme Defense Council

So, that's the authority who the cabinet and president notified of the ammonium nitrate, and then what happened?!?

Lebanon - The Supreme Defense Council

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

«Maman, je veux pas mourir»: des enfants de Beyrouth traumatisés | JDM

«Maman, je veux pas mourir»: des enfants de Beyrouth traumatisés | JDM

Explosion du port de Beyrouth: Le décret signé par la présidence de la république

Explosion du port de Beyrouth: Le décret signé par la présidence de la république

Les autorités libanaises étaient informées d'une possible explosion dès le mois dernier (Reuters)

Les autorités libanaises étaient informées d'une possible explosion dès le mois dernier (Reuters)

"Pour sa part, une source proche du Premier Ministre Hassan Diab a indiqué avoir reçu cette lettre qui a été transmise au Haut Conseil de la Défense pour avis dans un délai de 48 heures. Cette source rappelle que le gouvernement n’a été informé que 14 jours avant l’explosion et a agi directement quand les gouvernements précédents n’ont pris aucune décision depuis 6 ans."

Hezbollah and the people will have to negotiate a new Lebanon | Lebanon | Al Jazeera

Hezbollah and the people will have to negotiate a new Lebanon | Lebanon | Al Jazeera

Les autorités libanaises étaient informées d'une possible explosion dès le mois dernier (Reuters)

Les autorités libanaises étaient informées d'une possible explosion dès le mois dernier (Reuters)

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Lebanon & Ways to Help

all the first responders and NGO's we can donate to in Lebanon

Lebanon & Ways to Help

(212) Beirut explosion: Lebanon PM says those responsible for deadly blast will “pay the price” - YouTube

(212) Beirut explosion: Lebanon PM says those responsible for deadly blast will “pay the price”

a terrible explosion, due to a neglected warehouse on the seaport rocked Lebanon yesterday.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Man Involved in Child Trafficking Ring Wanted In Mexico is Hiding in Lebanon

Man Involved in Child Trafficking Ring Wanted In Mexico is Hiding in Lebanon

You'd expect a Lebanese judge to jump on that!

(201) Interview with Alexandre Jihad Harkous, CEO Cedar Oxygen Fund - YouTube

Interview with Alexandre Jihad Harkous, CEO Cedar Oxygen Fund - YouTube

The reassuring part is that it's teamwork between industrialists.

This solution provides the capital, and that is one piece of the puzzle in a successful economy. Other parts are innovation, democratizing start ups, and best of all, involving women. Women have been natural grassroots leaders in Lebanon for decades, what they're missing if official authority.

Lebanese judge bans media from talking to U.S. ambassador after Hezbollah leader's criticism

Lebanese judge bans media from talking to U.S. ambassador after Hezbollah leader's criticism

As a Lebanese I reserve the right to disagree with the ambassador but I'm not ok with anyone censoring her.

H&M Is Teaming Up With A Lebanese Designer For A New Fashion Line

H&M Is Teaming Up With A Lebanese Designer For A New Fashion Line

Monday, July 27, 2020

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

7 years ago a train wreck destroyed a town in Quebec

Lac-Mégantic marks 7th anniversary of rail disaster with memorial site | CBC News

For anyone who thinks China is doing Lebanon a favour by passing a freight train through a densely populated costal area.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Thursday, May 14, 2020

There are more women entrepreneurs in the middle east than in silicone valley

How can we encourage more women to pursue entrepreneurship? - Wamda

Kawasaki Disease From COVID-19 in Kids: How Common? | MedPage Today

Kawasaki Disease From COVID-19 in Kids: How Common? | MedPage Today

So much for the gun-ho belief that kids don't catch Covid-19.  Any mother could have told you that that's dangerously overconfident.

100 kids diagnosed, 3 kids die in NYC.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Lebanese students, doctors and other collaborators create respiratory machines designed to be manufactured in Lebanon to prepare for a possible spike in COVID-19 cases. If you're looking for your own ingenious product developer check out jobsforlebanon.

A Lebanese app for home delivery

Toters, a Lebanese app for home delivery, during the coronavirus crisis as well.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

I'm sure in our day and age we should be able to quickly prop a safe warm shelter to save babies from dying in the cold.

How Lebanon is doing by comparison, with covid19 crisis

How Lebanon is doing by comparison, with covid19 crisis

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Watch Live: President Trump & Coronavirus Task Force Deliver Briefing on COVID-19 | TIME - YouTube

the US sets up telehealth. Even better if a strong public sector has a strong grip on public health at all times.

Watch Live: President Trump & Coronavirus Task Force Deliver Briefing on COVID-19 | TIME - YouTube

Monday, March 9, 2020

Universal Design, Lifelong homes, housing for all ages

Maybe then we can stay with our kids when we get older:

The 7 Principles | Centre for Excellence in Universal Design

Des précisions sur la levée du secret bancaire

Lifting bank secrecy to fight corruption: the cabinet of ministers creates the law project proposed by General Aoun in 2013. Now the parliament has to vote it in.

Des précisions sur la levée du secret bancaire

Father and Son Build 50,000 New Beehive Colonies Around the World

Father and Son Build 50,000 New Beehive Colonies Around the World

When science investigates an herbal remedy: Tu Youyou: one of 100 Women of the Year

When science investigates an herbal remedy, it cures a viral disease

Tu Youyou: 100 Women of the Year | Time

City Trees: London Has New Artificial Trees That Eat Pollution

City Trees: London Has New Artificial Trees That Eat Pollution

Beirut-born pop star Mika played in Lebanon

Beirut-born pop star Mika played in Lebanon in 2008.

He says "if any part of you is Lebanese, it complete takes over". So true!

230 مليار "إيجارات حكومية".. انهوا هذه العقود فورًا!

230 مليار "إيجارات حكومية".. انهوا هذه العقود فورًا!: كشف مدير مركز الدولية للمعلومات جواد عدرا، أنَّ إيجارات الأبنية الحكومية بلغت نحو 230 مليار ليرة سنويًا ومنها بالدولار .

ورأى عدرا في تغريدةٍ على حسابهِ عبر تويتر ، أنه بالإمكان إنهاء بعض هذه العقود فورًا، خاصة تلك التي لا ضرورة لها والعائدة لنافذ

Understand and respect down syndrome

Understand and respect down syndrome

Indian State Introduces Bamboo Water Bottles, After Banning Plastic Ones

Indian State Introduces Bamboo Water Bottles, After Banning Plastic Ones

Indian State Bans All Pesticides. Wildlife, Crop Yields and Tourism Flourish.

Indian State Bans All Pesticides. Wildlife, Crop Yields and Tourism Flourish.

As a Lebanese environmentalist I wish I could visit!

Iranian lawyer who defended women’s right to remove hijab gets 38 years, 148 lashes - Women in the World

Iranian lawyer who defended women’s right to remove hijab gets 38 years, 148 lashes - Women in the World

Saturday, January 18, 2020

The first walk under the Lebanese flag was in 1989

In this article the picture of protesters under a banner rejecting sectarianism is worth a thousand words. It's also very telling that the reporter labelled the protesters as Christians only. Western journalists don't easily update their views on Lebanon.

Christian Lebanese people wave national flags and portraits of... News Photo - Getty Images

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Star Trek: Picard, a new series!

Star Trek: Picard | CTV Sci-Fi Channel

What of an Arabic trekkie group! Because we know we can become socially and technologically advanced. By tech I mean technology with a social purpose, not things that go fast and shoot each other.

Lebanon's Women Football Team Just Won West Asia Championship! - The961

Lebanon's Women Football Team Just Won West Asia Championship! - The961