
Saturday, May 29, 2021

Russel Brand interview Gabor Maté about Israel ethnically cleansing Palestinians

Russel Brand interview Gabor Maté about Israel ethnically cleansing Palestinians

Russel Brands interviews Gabor Maté, who denounces the fact that Israel ethnically cleanses Palestinians, continuously.

He is one of the jewish voices that opposes Zionism, along with Norman Finkelstein and Ilan Pappé (author of the Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine).
He says you don't have to be pro-Palestine to oppose Israel, you just have to be pro-truth. He says he doesn't support the islamist organization Hamas either, which was initially supported by Israel to outcompete the secular Palestinian Liberation Organization.

He simply opposes ethnically cleansing Palestinians because it is inhumane and illegal.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

The Lebanese Forces attack Syrians heading for presidential vote in Lebanon

Lebanese Forces attack Syrians heading for presidential vote in Lebanon. Mercenaries! They're the same forces that opposed the repatriation of Syrian refugees. 

Monday, May 10, 2021

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Lebanese prosecutor opens probe into central bank governor and brother | Financial Post

Lebanese prosecutor opens probe into central bank governor and brother | Financial Post

En 2013, le General Michel Aoun du parliament a proposé une loi pour suspendre le secret bancaire, et l'immunité légale des députés et ministres, et ce pour investiguer la corruption. Il a été ignoré.
En 2019 la rebellion du peuple a donné un élan à cette même loi

Certains manifestants, qui disaient "tous sont corrompus" ont pourtant essayé d'empêcher les membres du parliament de voter cette loi, au bloquant l'entrée du parlemen. celui-ci a du se réunir dans un theatre en décembre 2020, pour passer la loi qui suspend le secret bancaire et qui rend possible un audit juricomptable de la banque centrale.
Parmis ceux qui disaient "tous sont corrompus", certains ont résisté l'audit juricomptable. Donc pour eux "tous" sont coupables mais ne remarquons pas trop les coupables individuels. Exposer les comptes bancaires montre quels individus sont corrompus, en politique.  Personnellement j'aimerais aussi savoir qui a bloqué l'arrivée des PM à la réunion où ils devaient voter pour suspendre le secret bancaire.

Nord Liban: Une cargaison de riz avarié interceptée

Nord Liban: Une cargaison de riz avarié interceptée

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Lebanon - Assyrian and Babylonian domination of Phoenicia | Britannica

Lebanon - Assyrian and Babylonian domination of Phoenicia | Britannica

so, in that short window of time when neither the assyrians, nor egyptians, babylonians greeks were attacking, we propelled the world centuries ahead and laid the foundation of western civilization. 

Lebanon's President Aoun holds central bank responsible for crisis | Reuters

Lebanon's President Aoun holds central bank responsible for crisis | Reuters

Opinion | Why a New Mother’s Biggest Asset Is Often Her Own Mom - The New York Times

Opinion | Why a New Mother’s Biggest Asset Is Often Her Own Mom - The New York Times

Someone needs to tell the immigration departments that don't let senior mothers join their daughters.

Monday, May 3, 2021

The natural enemies of locusts

Animals that could be eating locusts in Lebanon: European Bee-Eater – Flight for Survival

It's know as Tayr el Werwar in lebanon, made famous by a Fayruz song. It's been immortalized in a Lebanese postal stamp: Lebanon - Birds - Stamp catalogue - Buy - Sell - Collect

How a Doctor Cured Her Autoimmune Disease with Functional Medicine - YouTube

How a Doctor Cured Her Autoimmune Disease with Functional Medicine - YouTube

protecting birds in Lebanon, so that they can protect our trees and crops from pests, and locusts

In March 2017 the Lebanese president passed a hunting law and spoke up against the massacre and said "“There should be a peace treaty between Man and the tree as well as Man and birds, because we continue to transgress upon them.”

But corrupt officials and their buddies ignored that law, and threatened those who enforce it:

The president of the National Ecological Survey and Reform (NESR), Lara Haddad said that after she once escorted an unlawful bird trapper to a police station, she was abducted by a politician's armed body guards who threatened her to pressure her into dropping the charges.  
NESR is an NGO that protects natural resources and wildlife. It also advised 

According to NESR president Lara Haddad, the most common and pernicious methods include the use of nets with "sound machines" that lure birds by replaying their call or coating the branches of trees with an adhesive substance that stick birds to where they land.

These are some of the species that migrate through or live in one of the reserves in Lebanon, the Shouf: Birds –

Now the birds might be coming back, because of the lockdown...