
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

science vs. mercantilism, in a fight to preserve Lebanese heritage

Les archéologues locaux et internationaux catégoriques : « Les cales phéniciennes de Minet el-Hosn, à conserver à tout prix » (Vidéo) | Libnanews:

This is not new, when greeks undig a phoenician ruin, they burry it back. Ego prevails over science when it comes to Europeans, Arabs and Israelis denying the share of phoenicians in history. The Israeli government sabotaged a National Geographic mission to surface a phoenician ship.  These are join by Lebanese mercantile, exploitive leaders who think a sense of roots gets in the way of them exploiting the Lebanese population.

These are the proponents of ego. Opposite to them are the proponents of science, archeologists who demonstrated the validity of phoenician ruins, and the Lebanese who echo their findings

and again, contractors negate the validity of phoenician ruins. An ancient phoenician port is about to be destroyed by developers in the Solidere area: Blue Lebanon phoenician port in danger

Hippodrome de Beyrouth : L’APPL entame un recours en justice auprès du Conseil d’État libanais | Libnanews

Dr. Naji Karam : L’installation portuaire phénicienne et le rapport de la honte

Manifestation pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine de Tripoli (vidéos) | Libnanews:

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