
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Beiruting - Life Style Blog - Substitutes in Fine Jewellery

The upside of the Lebanese crisis, a newfound focus on local production 

Friday, June 25, 2021

List of trustworthy NGO's in Lebanon

Lebanese Red Cross
Beit wa Shebbek 

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

The rise of '15-minute cities' and a greener way of life | Cyprus Mail

The rise of '15-minute cities' and a greener way of life | Cyprus Mail

The rise of '15-minute cities' and a greener way of life | Cyprus Mail

The rise of '15-minute cities' and a greener way of life | Cyprus Mail

back in sept 18, 2018, Aoun said that Administrative decentralization will be priority for next stage

back in sept 18, 2018: Aoun: Administrative decentralization will be priority for next stage

One big crisis later decentralizing looks like the best way to have a real, direct democracy.  A central government with less power, and less funds will be less of a bait for corrupt leaders.  Local municipal governments would be more closely controlled by their voters, would meet with their constituency regularly and wouldn't be able to embezzle funds as easily.