
Thursday, March 26, 2020

Lebanese students, doctors and other collaborators create respiratory machines designed to be manufactured in Lebanon to prepare for a possible spike in COVID-19 cases. If you're looking for your own ingenious product developer check out jobsforlebanon.

A Lebanese app for home delivery

Toters, a Lebanese app for home delivery, during the coronavirus crisis as well.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

I'm sure in our day and age we should be able to quickly prop a safe warm shelter to save babies from dying in the cold.

How Lebanon is doing by comparison, with covid19 crisis

How Lebanon is doing by comparison, with covid19 crisis

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Watch Live: President Trump & Coronavirus Task Force Deliver Briefing on COVID-19 | TIME - YouTube

the US sets up telehealth. Even better if a strong public sector has a strong grip on public health at all times.

Watch Live: President Trump & Coronavirus Task Force Deliver Briefing on COVID-19 | TIME - YouTube

Monday, March 9, 2020

Universal Design, Lifelong homes, housing for all ages

Maybe then we can stay with our kids when we get older:

The 7 Principles | Centre for Excellence in Universal Design

Des précisions sur la levée du secret bancaire

Lifting bank secrecy to fight corruption: the cabinet of ministers creates the law project proposed by General Aoun in 2013. Now the parliament has to vote it in.

Des précisions sur la levée du secret bancaire

Father and Son Build 50,000 New Beehive Colonies Around the World

Father and Son Build 50,000 New Beehive Colonies Around the World

When science investigates an herbal remedy: Tu Youyou: one of 100 Women of the Year

When science investigates an herbal remedy, it cures a viral disease

Tu Youyou: 100 Women of the Year | Time

City Trees: London Has New Artificial Trees That Eat Pollution

City Trees: London Has New Artificial Trees That Eat Pollution

Beirut-born pop star Mika played in Lebanon

Beirut-born pop star Mika played in Lebanon in 2008.

He says "if any part of you is Lebanese, it complete takes over". So true!

230 مليار "إيجارات حكومية".. انهوا هذه العقود فورًا!

230 مليار "إيجارات حكومية".. انهوا هذه العقود فورًا!: كشف مدير مركز الدولية للمعلومات جواد عدرا، أنَّ إيجارات الأبنية الحكومية بلغت نحو 230 مليار ليرة سنويًا ومنها بالدولار .

ورأى عدرا في تغريدةٍ على حسابهِ عبر تويتر ، أنه بالإمكان إنهاء بعض هذه العقود فورًا، خاصة تلك التي لا ضرورة لها والعائدة لنافذ

Understand and respect down syndrome

Understand and respect down syndrome

Indian State Introduces Bamboo Water Bottles, After Banning Plastic Ones

Indian State Introduces Bamboo Water Bottles, After Banning Plastic Ones

Indian State Bans All Pesticides. Wildlife, Crop Yields and Tourism Flourish.

Indian State Bans All Pesticides. Wildlife, Crop Yields and Tourism Flourish.

As a Lebanese environmentalist I wish I could visit!

Iranian lawyer who defended women’s right to remove hijab gets 38 years, 148 lashes - Women in the World

Iranian lawyer who defended women’s right to remove hijab gets 38 years, 148 lashes - Women in the World