
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Can comedy in Lebanon compete with that?

Good comedy can cause a policy change, and did, in the case of a climate policy debate in the Australian legislature (via TED talk by Chris Bliss).
Do you think we have Lebanese comedians who can compete with that? :) Can our comedians take on politics and open people's eyes to crucial issues, which will put politicians under pressure to do their job?

Massoud Hassani Turns Childhood Toy into Wind-Powered Mine Sweepers | Green Prophet

Massoud Hassani Turns Childhood Toy into Wind-Powered Mine Sweepers | Green Prophet

so, mines come from the west, and mine sweepers form the east?

... and case in point, a new rail gun coming to you from the US
First industry railgun prototype launcher gets all fired up

Monday, February 20, 2012

environmentalism in the middle east

New Green Roofed School in Kuwait Will Promote Hands on Agricultural Learning | Green Prophet

Hassan Fathy is The Middle East’s Father of Sustainable Architecture | Green Prophet

Rooftop Hydroponic Farms in Egypt Scrub the Air and Uplift Urban Poor | Green Prophet

Lebanese Goat Farmer Goes Solar, Subverts Government’s Green Apathy | Green Prophet

MTV Lebanon - Baynetna - Paul Abi Rached - Marwa Wazni

Holy Land Leaders: Muslims, Jews, Christians Link to Save the Planet | Green Prophet

... and Africa: Un écolo d’origine libanaise nommé ministre au Sénégal | À La Une | L'Orient-Le Jour:

Dubai’s Camels to Chomp Down Runaway Mangrove Forests? | Green Prophet

Permaculture in the middle east Is the Silver-Green Bullet (INTERVIEW) | Green Prophet

Lebanese undoing environmental damage

Sept 3rd, 2012 A car-free day in Ashrafieh

Protecting Migratory Soaring Birds - YouTube

Zero Waste ACT (waste segregation project in Lebanese Schools)

Lebanese Goat Farmer Goes Solar, Subverts Government’s Green Apathy | Green Prophet

MTV Lebanon - Baynetna - Paul Abi Rached - Marwa Wazni

Green Resistance Blog, Lebanon. Environmental Problems cannot be solved just by changing individual habits

Beirutopia: Could Lebanon's capital become a garden city? -

Ibrahim El Ali Le Liban n'est pas une poubelle: eco-group are hardly mentioned by Lebanese media but they are whom Lebanese living abroad identify with.

A report on water pollution in Lebanon: Tahkik 25/04/2012 - Water Resources In Lebanon

La Biodiversité du Liban

IndyAct in Lebanon opposes incineration, and this Good Planet post (French) explains why les incinérateurs sont des fabriques de poison.

Media upheaval against hunting in Lebanon: OTV report.

Lebanese Wind Farm Will Bring Light to 60,000 Homes

Friday, February 17, 2012

Dalida, from a time when Arabic wasn't "evil"

For those who didn't know her, Dalida is an Egyptian-Italian signer who sang in many languages including French and Arabic, lived in France, and was a makor influence on French culture!

Back then, 1980's, you didn't get arrested at US airports for having class notes in Arabic. Imagine multilingual Dalida going through airport security today. Speaks 8 languages? She must be "unpatriotic".

Now that the internet works in Lebanon, online business are booming

Courtesy of the ministry of communication held by Sahnaoui and Nahhas, and Bassil (BCR), for 3 consecutive terms, Lebanese online business are booming.
They are also environmentally aware, like this Lebanese car pooling online business.

Friday, February 10, 2012


1984, when the US supported Irak and Taliban (their friends the anti-commi rebels).

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Ending corruption in Lebanon, some documents demonstrating the facts

The documents linked to below are in Arabic, please comment below if you'd like to help translate them

Fact 1: Legally, seniority is required but does not guarantee promotion in public offices

Fact 2: Three court audits (in a first, second, and third part) of the Lebanese treasury department demonstrates fraud.

Fact 3: The law proposal to upgrade the public energy sector in Lebanon is financially sound, and inexplicably stalled by the prime minister.

Fact 4: The treasury is not properly accountable.

Fact 5: profiteers in government have exploited the cell phone network in Lebanon

In support of ending corruption, sheikh Mahid Hamoud prays in a mosq, in support of Gen. Aoun, the lead in ending corruption in Lebanon. A regressive American reporter would ignore all these facts and just call "Christian" leader.